Looking at a garden can be
overwhelming, especially if you are trying to make a
composition that will incorporate all of the art elements
appropriately. What are the basic art elements? Line,
shape, value, texture and color. These elements are what
can make your composition succeed. Also, the subjects of
your photograph can stimulate feelings, intellectual
stimulation and moods to your viewer.
Balance refers to the equal distribution of objects
either by their visual importance or weight (tone, shape
and size). Usually this is done symmetrically, but
asymmetrical balance can be done. When exploring gardens,
you will usually find that they already follow these
composition elements (movement, balance and pattern).
Thus, most of your work has already been done for you!
The challenge is to now create artworks that are unique.
Try excentuating or exaggerating some of these effects.
Creating unity is another way of 'pulling together' your
photographs theme.